Posted in Grade 1, Notices & Updates

Picking up Students Belongings at WEJ

This message was went out today to Familes at WEJ from our Principal and Vice Principal. I have posted it here in case you need to refer to it or if for some reason you did not receive it.


Greetings WEJ Families,

Our staff continue to gather students materials to the best of their ability and prepare them for pick-up. We have a student population of 705 so the gathering and redistribution is a very large task.

We have prepared a schedule for families to drive through, pick up their children’s belongings and drop off any materials belonging to the school. Please come at the time listed below based on the first letter of your LAST NAME.


Tuesday, June 16 from 8:00-10:30                 Last names beginning with A – C

Tuesday, June 16 from 11:00 – 1:30               Last names beginning with D – H

Tuesday, June 16 from 2:00 – 4:30                 Last names beginning with I – L

Wednesday, June 17 from 8:00-10:30          Last names beginning with M – R

Wednesday, June 17 from 11:00 – 1:30          Last names beginning with S – V

Wednesday, June 17 from 2:00 – 4:30            Last names beginning with W – Z


In order to have this run smoothly, we ask that you follow these steps:

Prior to Your Scheduled Pick-up Time

  1. Complete the survey to tell us if you are coming to pick up your child’s belongings at the time indicated in the schedule above. WEJ Pick Up Response Form
  2. Prepare a piece of paper you can hold up in your car window. In BIG letters, print the name of the child(ren), their teacher’s name(s), and their grade(s). If your teacher gives you a student number (e.g. #1, #2 etc.), please include it.
  3. Gather all the items belonging to the school, label them with your child’s name and teacher and place them in a bag (items would include library books, read at home books, textbooks, etc.). Chromebooks distributed since March 13 may remain at your home until we return to school.

On the Day of Your Pick Up

  1. Pack your sign and school items to return in the car.
  2. Families can go to either of our two drive through pick-up stations; the front doors of the school or the bus lanes. We would like it if cars come throughout each time block to minimize wait times.
  3. Place the sign in the window for the staff member to see. They will radio your children’s names into our gym.
  4. Have a person from your car place the bag of items to return in the box/bin provided.
  5. Pop your trunk and staff will place the bag(s) of your children’s materials directly in your trunk.

We hope that this process goes as smoothly as possible. There may be some mistakes and we apologize for that in advance. We will be doing our best to get your items to you. The Board has indicated that for safety reasons there will be no Lost and Found at this time and that we will store the items until school resumes.

We thank you for your understanding and really appreciate your help in this process.

Colleen Irvin (Principal) and Sean Davidson (Vice Principal)


Please let me know if you have any questions!

Thanks again!

Ms. Argue 🙂

Posted in Grade 1, Learn at Home

Learn at Home – Week of June 8th

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had another great weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather and had a chance to get outside!

Here is a little update about what has been happening at WEJ. Teachers are being allowed into the school during staggered times and are packing up students belongings. Mrs. Nia went into the class on Friday and placed all students belongings into clear plastic bags and they have now been placed in the gym. Parents and students will be able to pick up their belongings during the week of June 15th. There will be more details coming shortly so stay tuned.

Here is the message that was sent out from our Principal and Vice Principal at the end of last week:


Greetings WEJ Families, 

We are busy starting to prepare student items to be retrieved by our community.  Staff have started to enter the building and are doing their best to gather student belongings and school work and place it in a clear garbage bag, ready for you to pick up.

On Tuesday, June 16th and  Wednesday, June 17th we will be open for families to drive by and get their child’s items. We also ask that you start looking around your home for library books, school books and other items that you can drop off at the school when you come to pick up.  

Details will be coming out next week…watch for them. Here is a photo of our progress with this task! 

Have a great weekend,

Colleen Irvin (Principal) and Sean Davidson (Vice Principal)


Here is the work for your child to complete this week. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns as I’m always here to help! You can email me at Please remember that you know your child best so please decide what you and your child can complete.

Work for the Week of June 8th 2020



Students can continue to practice reading any books that they have at home. Students can also continue to read on Raz-Kids or on EPIC. You can read to your child and they can read to you daily with whatever books you have in your home or with whatever online reading program you and your child enjoy using.

This week’s read aloud is a bit of a hint or clue to what our class pet might be!! This week, students can listen to the read aloud, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle. Here is a video of the book being read so that your child can listen to it. Please click on the link to watch and listen to the story.

Throughout the book, the very hungry caterpillar eats through a lot of different types of food! Students will write out some of the names of the foods that the caterpillar ate through. Students will then decide what food they think is the caterpillar’s favourite!

Students can complete this worksheet to answer the questions from above. I have attached a word document that you can print out and use or you can just re-create what I have written in the picture below on any paper that you might have at home.

Click on the link below to open the word document:

Reading Response – The Very Hungry Caterpillar


We will be continuing with our words of the week! This week’s words are the last words on our Grade 1 High Frequency Word List! They are: walk, were, when

Here are some ways that you can practice and learn about them:

weekly-word-activities.png (770×501)

Our writing activity this week will compliment the book that your child has just listened to about the very hungry caterpillar.

In the book, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” the caterpillar does not have a name! On the sheet provided, students will come up with a name for the caterpillar and explain why they chose that name! You can talk to your child about how you got your own name or how you gave them their name to give them some ideas!

Students can complete this worksheet and give the caterpillar a name! I have attached a word document that you can print out and use or you can just re-create what I have written in the picture below on any paper that you might have at home.

Click on the link below to open the word document:

Name the Caterpillar in Eric Carle’s Book


We have finished up our Money unit and will be using the remainder of the time to review concepts that students have already learned about but earlier in the school year.

This week we are going to review word problems and refresh our memory on how to solve them using pictures, numbers and words.

When you are solving word problems that involve addition and subtraction, you can use many different strategies to help you solve the problem – your fingers, a number line, a 10-frame, manipultives like counters or anything else you can think of!

For the first couple of word problems, you will use 10-frames and a number line to help you. Here are some examples below showing you how to answer the questions.

Here are the questions that you can try!

Grade 1 – Summer Time Word Problems

The next set of problems asks you to solve the problem by using pictures, numbers and words.

Here is an example of a word problem being solved by showing your work (pictures) writing a number sentence (numbers) and writing the answer in a sentence (words).

Here are the questions that you can try!

Grade 1 – Math Word Problems

Please let me know if you have any questions with these word problems!

FRENCH – From Mme Sullivan

Bonjour tout le monde,

We are closing in on the end of the school year, and I am now working on report cards. If you would like the work that your child has done over the last several weeks to be reflected on the report card please forward me a copy of the work at Remember that you are under no obligation to do so and that marks will not go lower than what they were at the beginning of the school closure period.

This week’s activity is Mets les mots en ordre. Put the words in order. Each sentence is jumbled, you need to organize the words into a proper sentence and draw a picture to show you understand the sentence. One trick is to look for the capital letter to start the sentence.

Cllick on the link below for the activity:

LPC activité 8

Everyone is also encouraged to review the play, song and dance. If you have any questions, or would like feedback on the assignment, please let me know at

Have a fabulous week!

Mme Sullivan


That is all for now! Please let me know if you have any questions!

Thanks and happy learning!

Ms. Argue 🙂