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Skating Field Trip – Permission Form & Skate/Helmet Form

Hello All!

I just wanted to let you know that your child is coming home tonight with a permission form for our Skating Field Trips taking place on Tues. March 26th and Tues. April 2nd. Please return this form (white) a soon as possible. Attached to the white permission form is another form asking whether or not your child has skates and a CSA approved skating helmet. Please fill this out and return as well and return it to school. WEJ has over 25 helmets that students can borrow but we only have around 10-15 pairs of skates for students to borrow. Many of our skates are larger in sizes so if you have friends or neighbors that have extra skates that your child can borrow, please ask! Also, if you are a skating or hockey family and have skates that we could borrow for this field trip, please let me know! I asked students today and I believe that we have around 5 students with no skates. We are looking for shoe sizes 1, 2, 3, and 5/6. Please let us know if you have any we can borrow so that everyone can join us on this field trip!

Thanks so much for your support!

Ms. Argue