Please send in any grocery store flyers that you may have at home! We still need more flyers to complete a math activity!
Ms. Argue 🙂
It's hard to beat a person who never gives up. -Babe Ruth
Please send in any grocery store flyers that you may have at home! We still need more flyers to complete a math activity!
Ms. Argue 🙂
WEJ WEAR has arrived!
Our school has BIG spirit, and now we can show off how much we love WEJ with WEJ WEAR!
Last year, the students voted on a new mascot for WEJ and a new logo! They have selected our new wildcat cub, yet to be named…
We’re very excited to offer WEJ WEAR for purchase! Please visit our new online store and see what is available!
Toques and ball caps! Sweat pants! Hoodies! T-shirts!
Please visit the link below to check out more styles and colours and to order your WEJ WEAR!!
Samples are available at the school.
Orders accepted until November 15th. Delivery will be in early December!